Wednesday, March 08, 2006

King Toad: What A Load.

Not One of My Better Days...

I went to see King Toad at the Prison Tree I created for him today.
It was pointless to try to reason with him. He took malicious delight in his son Nerk's atrocities. Barefoot Candy's murder, Barefoot Suzy's rape, and Barefoot Abby's torment are not the end of the suffering he has in store for me and mine. King Toad would even threaten Barefoot Tefé, were he aware her powers are gone. Outraged, I raised the Prison Tree higher, leaving King Toad and his fellow prisoners hanging upside down, as further punishment. Enough is enough. I will not stop until Nerk and Bob are destroyed. King Toad will stay alive and unharmed until then. I will act with swift, lethal force to prevent another ethereal escape of the murderous monsters. They will be slain. Then King Toad will be next. There is no alternative. This war is deadly serious.

Superman's Salvation?


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