Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Relatively Peaceful Night In The Swamp...

Things have been rather quiet tonight. After conducting my regular search for monsters Nerk and Bob. Finishing my latest torture/interrogation of King Toad, I went over to Barefoot Abby's house to check on Barefoot Abby and Barefoot Suzy, and to inquire as to Barefoot Tefé's continuing maturity and development.
Barefoot Abby reports she and Barefoot Suzy have helped each other tremendously. Barefoot Abby feels safer at night with Barefoot Suzy there standing loyally by her side, since I am often unable to attend that responsibility myself. The Barefoot Black Orchid's beautiful purple nude breasts shimmer pleasantly in the moonlight.

The barefoot women have talked openly about Barefoot Abby witnessing Barefoot Candy Taylor's grisly fate, as well as the suffering Barefoot Suzy endured when she was savagely raped two days afterward. Barefoot Abby and Barefoot Suzy both despise the monstrosity named Nerk with a passion. Barefoot Abby expressed relief at my assurances that any or all of Barefoot Suzy's infections, or possible impregnation, have been properly attended to with my imperative administrations of her. Sadly, due to the intensity of Barefoot Suzy's rape and the resulting abortive requirements, there may never be more of Barefoot Suzy's kind as a result of this, for despite Barefoot Abby's recent gift of approval--it may be impossible for Barefoot Suzy and I to ever procreate another great garden of Barefoot Black Orchids, such as the one doomed to Barefoot Suzy's long-deceased barefoot sister/adopted barefoot mother, after the elder Barefoot Black Orchid and I had founded it in the Amazon jungles, years ago. Nor will Barefoot Suzy ever be able to have any children with her lover, Blue Devil. These are difficult times for us all, but we push on as we must. For this is who and what we are and what we need to be.

Barefoot Tefé Had A Very Busy Week.


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