Sunday, March 19, 2006

Weekend Tour of Ireland: An Update From Barefoot Abby and Barefoot Suzy.

Where have Barefoot Abby and Barefoot Suzy been for the last two days? Why, spending St. Patrick's Day Weekend in Ireland with Barefoot Lady Blackhawk, of course! I'll let both of these always beautiful barefoot women tell the story:

re: Barefoot Abigail Arcane-Cable-Holland wrote:

"Hi. Barefoot Abby here, Alec. Hope that picture of me got your attention! Torc Waterfall in County Kerry, Ireland was a spectacular place to lounge. Barefoot Suzy and I camped there for the night and we bathed nude under these gorgeous waterfalls all of the next day while Barefoot Lady Blackhawk went clubbing all night at the local pubs and she slept [allegedly alone, smile!] in her plane. Take a look at this pic I took of Barefoot Suzy when she flew us up to the top and took a breather:

Isn't she impressive? Anyway, over to Barefoot Suzy.
Love you always, Barefoot Abby."

re: Barefoot Susan Linden-Thorne-Weems II wrote:

"There's even more in the telling, Alec!
Barefoot Zinda won some pub gambling game with high stakes!
Here's our lucky little barefoot lady winner in her all her glory:

The fun didn't stop there! She entered the sexy "Irish Green" mudwrestling contest, and, of course, she won that too!

"Does this mud make my butt look fat?", She giggled.
"Hell, no!" and "Your ass looks stunning!", We laughed.

And if luck wasn't the theme of the weekend:
Lucky waterfall location, Lucky winnings, etc.

Then wait until you see what we encountered next:

Yes! We were accosted by an actual magical Leprechaun from Shamrock Land, demanding the location of his misplaced gold! Fortunately, my childhood experiences crusading in Free Country prepared me for this. Without giving the Leprechaun any chance to strike, I lifted him up into the air and flew off with him. He was surprised by this swift action to say the least. Using my best intuition, I found his pot of lost gold situated under a rainbow.
I dropped him into the pot of gold, where he sank and seemingly drowned. Then I hid the tainted treasure where no one will find it, making sure all the gold pieces stayed together. And that was our weekend. We're coming back and will see you soon. Stay well, Alec. Barefoot Suzy."

The barefoot women in my life lead the most eventful lives imaginable. I never fail to be admirably inspired with them.

"I would live my life,
as like the river flows,
carried by the surprise,
of its own unfolding."
- Poet John O'Donohue.

Barefoot Tefé's New Car!


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