Thursday, May 04, 2006

Facing The Uncertain Future That Lies Ahead...

What Should I Do Now?

After burying Woodrue's remains early tonight, I sat on the porch of the cabin I gave to Jordan Schiller. I felt terrible about all the things that have been happening recently. Events that could have been avoided. I worry about my family Barefoot Abby and Barefoot Tefé, and the safety of the town of Houma. I worry about my partner Barefoot Suzy, who is now seriously wounded following the Battle of Metropolis. I worry about Barefoot Poison Ivy, Woodrue, King Toad, everything. Then I was visited by Tee-Tonti, a black Cajun man in his prime, whom I have helped to inspire the conscience of, simply by existing. It was Tee-Tonti who brought Schiller safely to me during the storms. He has earned my trust and respect. He wanted to talk about the safety of our community. He said the outside world is coming into our bayou, and that it is only a matter of time before they find us. I told him that for now we were far enough away from civilization's border to go unnoticed, but I could not say what tomorrow would bring. He said he wished things would settle down long enough that we could all work together to create something beautiful out of this place. But he said if our enemies find us here, there will be nowhere left to run. We will have to make a stand to defend our environment, our loved ones, and our homes. I detest King Toad, but I despise humanity's own destruction of our homes and people just as much. I just helped to end one war, so I absolutely hate the prospect of seeing another war started, right here at home! I promised Tee-Tonti that no one in the Cajun community would come to further harm. He said then it looks like I am still the Cajun Folk's strong Good Gumbo Man, after all. I certainly hope he is right, but this never to has to be proven so.

Brutal Slayings In Houma.


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